1. Introduction
Ampulla’s Modern Slavery Policy is committed to ensuring that modern slavery, including forced labour, human trafficking, and child labour, has no place in our business or supply chains. We recognise the importance of taking a proactive stance against modern slavery and are dedicated to upholding human rights and ethical labour practices across all our operations.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to outline our commitment to preventing modern slavery within our business operations and supply chains. It sets out the steps we take to identify, assess, and mitigate the risks of modern slavery, and the responsibilities of our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders in ensuring compliance with this policy.
3. Scope
This policy applies to all employees, contractors, suppliers, and stakeholders involved in the activities of Ampulla LTD. It covers all aspects of our operations, including procurement, production, distribution, and any other business activities that may be linked to modern slavery risks.
4. Our Commitments
- Zero Tolerance: We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery in any form. We will not engage in or support any activity that involves forced labour, human trafficking, child labour, or any other form of exploitation.
- Legal Compliance: We will comply with all relevant legislation and international standards relating to modern slavery, including the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 (or applicable local laws).
- Supplier Code of Conduct: We expect our suppliers and business partners to adhere to our Supplier Code of Conduct, which outlines our requirements regarding labour practices, including the prohibition of modern slavery. We will work closely with suppliers to ensure they understand and meet these expectations.
- Due Diligence: We will conduct regular due diligence on our supply chains to assess and address risks related to modern slavery. This includes supplier audits, risk assessments, and the implementation of corrective actions where necessary.
- Training and Awareness: We will provide training to our employees and suppliers to raise awareness of modern slavery issues and the importance of ethical labour practices. Employees will be equipped with the knowledge to identify and report any concerns related to modern slavery.
5. Risk Assessment and Management
- Identifying Risks: We will identify and assess areas of our operations and supply chains that may be at higher risk of modern slavery. This includes evaluating factors such as geographic location, industry sector, and the nature of the work being performed.
- Mitigating Risks: Where potential risks are identified, we will take appropriate actions to mitigate these risks. This may include working with suppliers to improve labour practices, terminating relationships with non-compliant suppliers, or implementing additional monitoring measures.
- Reporting and Accountability: Employees, suppliers, and stakeholders are encouraged to report any concerns related to modern slavery through our confidential reporting channels. Reports will be taken seriously, and investigations will be conducted promptly. We will not tolerate any form of retaliation against individuals who report concerns in good faith.
6. Monitoring and Review
- Performance Monitoring: We will regularly monitor and review our modern slavery practices to ensure they remain effective and up-to-date. This includes reviewing our supply chains, conducting audits, and evaluating the effectiveness of our risk management processes.
- Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continuous improvement in our approach to preventing modern slavery. Feedback from employees, suppliers, and stakeholders will be used to enhance our policies and practices.
7. Communication and Engagement
- Internal Communication: This policy will be communicated to all employees and incorporated into our training programs. Employees will be informed of their responsibilities under this policy and encouraged to contribute to its effective implementation.
- External Communication: We will communicate our commitment to preventing modern slavery to our suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders. This policy will be made publicly available on our website, and we will report on our progress in tackling modern slavery in our annual reports.
8. Governance and Accountability
- Responsibility: The Operations Director is responsible for the implementation and oversight of this policy. They will report to the Board of Directors on the effectiveness of our modern slavery prevention efforts.
- Review and Updates: This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in legislation, business operations, or best practices. Any changes will be approved by senior management and communicated to all relevant parties.
9. Conclusion
Ampulla LTD is fully committed to combating modern slavery in all its forms. We believe that by working together with our employees, suppliers, and stakeholders, we can contribute to a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect.
Modern Slavery Policy Approved by: Denise Miller – Managing Director